Don’t dig yourself into Christmas debt

With all the hype and lead up to the Christmas season, you’d think we all had an unlimited budget to party through the festive season and purchase everyone on our contact list a Christmas gift. While that’s a nice idea, it’s not so realistic.

Here are a few tips to help you with your budget during this festive season:

  • Write down all of the people you intend to buy a gift for
  • Against each of their names, write the gift you’d ideally like to get them
  • Once you've done this, then and only then may you shop
  • Leave your cards at home! Spending cash will help you keep track of your spending limits
  • Hit the shops! But, ensure you keep your list handy, have checked out the season specials and read consumer alerts to make sure you are getting the right product for your money.

The holiday season is a time for family, not financial pressure. It’s about fun not funds: carving out time to put the people in our lives first. Budgeting allows us to keep the true spirit of the season at the centre of the festivities.

After Christmas, and over the New Year, you may find yourself thinking about your big plans for 2022. I’m available in January to start working on your financial goals for the year ahead.

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