Adviser Business Publicly Available Disclosure

Loan Market - Maclennan Financial Solutions Limited
(Adviser Business)

Trading as Loan Market - Maclennan Financial Solutions Ltd

FSP number for Maclennan Financial Solutions: FSP758431
Number for Jamie Maclennan: FSP760651
Number for Loan Market Group: FSP101485

This document sets out the information that Maclennan Financial Solutions Ltd is required to make publicly available in accordance with the Financial Markets Conduct Regulations 2014.

An overview of Maclennan Financial Solutions Ltd 

Maclennan Financial Solutions Ltd is a member of The Loan Market Group Limited (Loan Market Group), which is a financial services group trading under the names Loan Market and Insurance Market. Loan Market Group also has a publicly available information disclosure - you can find this information at the link at the very bottom of this website.

Maclennan Financial Solutions Ltd:
• Is a Financial Advice Provider under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013.
• Is registered on the Financial Service Providers Register (FSPR).
• Engages Financial Advisers to provide financial advice to clients. The FSPR shows the Financial Advisers which have been engaged by Maclennan Financial Solutions Ltd.

Licensing information

Maclennan Financial Solutions Ltd and the Financial Advisers engaged by Maclennan Financial Solutions Ltd are authorised to provide financial advice under a licence issued by the Financial Markets Authority in the name of The Loan Market Group Limited (FSP101485). 

Financial Advice and Product Providers 

Maclennan Financial Solutions Ltd provides, through its Financial Advisers, financial advice to clients about:
• Home Loans
• Investment Loans
• Construction Loans
• Asset Finance

The Financial Advisers only provide financial advice about products from certain product providers. These product providers are set out in each Financial Adviser’s personalised Disclosure Guide. A Financial Adviser will provide their Disclosure Guide to you when you engage them or you can request a copy from Maclennan Financial Solutions Ltd at any time to see the list of product providers.

Specific information on the types of products that each of the Financial Advisers can provide financial advice on is also set out in their Disclosure Guide. May 2021

Fees and Expenses

Generally Maclennan Financial Solutions Ltd and its Financial Advisers won’t charge you any fees for advice and transactional solutions. This is possible because, if you acquire a product following receipt of their advice, Maclennan Financial Solutions Ltd or the Financial Adviser usually receives commission from the applicable product provider (as described below under ‘Commissions & incentives’). The exceptions to this general position are explained below.
You may be charged a one-off fee in the following situations:

(a) No commission: If you request that a Financial Adviser provide services in relation to a product or service and Maclennan Financial Solutions Ltd or Financial Adviser does not receive a commission, you may be charged a one-off fee. Any such fee would be agreed and authorised by you in writing first, and would be based on an estimate of the time spent providing the advice.

This may arise in the rare event that you request services in relation to either a product that is offered by a provider that Maclennan Financial Solutions Ltd or Financial Adviser do not hold an accreditation with, or a product that is outside its usual arrangements with product providers.

(b) Repayment of commission: In the event that:
● In the case of a loan, in the 28 month period following drawdown of the loan, the loan is fully or partially repaid or the terms materially changed; or
● In the case of an insurance policy, in the 24 month period following issuance of the insurance policy, the policy is cancelled or the terms materially changed, and the relevant product provider requires that the applicable commission is repaid to them, you may be charged a one-off fee. Any such fee would be no more than $2,500 (plus GST, if any) and would be calculated based on a rate of $250 (plus GST, if any) per hour of the Financial Adviser’s time spent providing advice to you in connection with the applicable product. The fee charged will not exceed the amount of commission that needs to be repaid from the product provider.

You will be invoiced for any one-off fee and will be given 30 days to make payment.
The Financial Adviser will let you know about any other fees in their specific Disclosure Guide.

Conflicts of Interest
I am paid a referral fee in relation to any clients that I introduce to Jamie Lester or Heath Cleland of AdvicePlus  any Personal Insurance that is implemented by them.

Commissions & incentives

If you proceed with a product on the basis of financial advice received from a Financial Adviser, Maclennan Financial Solutions Ltd or the Financial Adviser usually receives a commission or incentive payment from the applicable product provider.

The types of payments that may be received from product providers are as follows:
● Upfront commission which is calculated as a percentage of the first year's premium (in the case of insurance products) or a percentage of the loan at drawdown (in the case of a loan).
● Renewal commission which is calculated as a percentage of the premium paid for each year the policy is in force (in the case of insurance products) or a percentage of the loan outstanding at the relevant time (in the case of a loan).
● Fixed rate rollover fees (in the case of refixing a loan).
● Referral fees.
● Other incentives or rewards, for example gifts or tickets to events.

Further information about the commissions and incentives that are relevant to the advice you may receive, including the maximum percentages used to calculate the commissions, will be given to you by the Financial Adviser.

Maclennan Financial Solutions Ltd takes steps to ensure that the receipt of these types of payments does not influence the financial advice given and that its Financial Advisers prioritise your interests by recommending the best product for your purpose regardless of the type and amount of payment that may be received. Maclennan Financial Solutions Ltd does this by:

● Ensuring the Financial Advisers follow an advice process that ensures they understand your needs and goals and that their recommendations meet those needs and goals.
● Ensuring the Financial Advisers receive regular training on how to manage conflicts of interest.
● Providing you with a schedule showing maximum commission rates and types by product provider. This schedule is contained within each Financial Adviser’s personalised Disclosure Guide. A Financial Adviser will also provideyou with more information about commissions during the advice process. Loan Market Group may also receive commission or incentive payments as follows:
● A commission payment from the applicable insurer if an insurance application is accepted.
● A referral payment from Tower Insurance if a client is referred for insurance needs.
● A referral payment from XE Money or Prospa NZ if a client is referred for other financial needs.

Terms of these payments are between Loan Market Group and the applicable product provider. These payments do not influence the advice given to you as Loan Market Group does not direct or influence Financial Advisers to recommend products from a particular insurer. Financial Advisers are required to recommend products by following the advice process described above.

Other Conflicts of Interest

The Financial Advisers engaged by Maclennan Financial Solutions Ltd may attend, from time to time, events hosted by product providers or events hosted by Loan Market Group, at which product providers discuss and provide information about their products. Maclennan Financial Solutions Ltd manages the potential conflict of interest raised by attendance at these events by ensuring the Financial Advisers follow the advice process described above to ensure the Financial Adviser prioritises your interests by recommending the best product for your purpose regardless of the information received at events they’ve recently attended.

If there are any other conflicts of interest that could potentially influence the financial advice that you will receive, these will be shown in each Financial Adviser’s Disclosure Guide.

Complaints and Dispute Resolution

If you have a complaint about the service you’ve received from Maclennan Financial Solutions Ltd or its Financial Advisers you can contact Maclennan Financial Solutions Ltd internal complaints service by phoning or emailing Maclennan Financial Solutions Ltd (contact details are shown above and on this webpage) with the heading Complaint - (Your Name).

Please set out the nature of your complaint, and the resolution you are seeking. Maclennan Financial Solutions Ltd will aim to acknowledge receipt of this within 24 hours. Maclennan Financial Solutions Ltd will then record your complaint in its Complaints Register and investigate your complaint. Maclennan Financial Solutions Ltd may want to meet with you to better understand your issues.

Maclennan Financial Solutions Ltd will then investigate your complaint and provide a response to you within 7 working days of receiving your complaint. IfMaclennan Financial Solutions Ltd needs more time to investigate your complaint, they’ll let you know.

If a resolution is not agreed, you can refer your complaint to Maclennan Financial Solutions Ltd external dispute resolution service. This service is independent and will cost you nothing and will assist to resolve things.

Details of this service are:
Financial Services Complaints Limited
Phone: 0800 347 257Email: 


Anyone within Maclennan Financial Solutions Ltd giving financial advice is bound by and supports the duties set out in the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013. These duties are:

• Meet the standards of competence, knowledge, and skill and the standards of ethical behaviour, conduct, and client care set out in the Code of Professional Conduct for Financial Advice Providers.
• Give priority to your interests.
• Exercise care, diligence, and skill.

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